Scott W. Kunkel, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor School Of Business Administration University of San Diego Mr. Mitch Thrower is one of the most dynamic, engaging, exciting and motivating public speakers I have ever heard. Mitch volunteers his time to guest lecture in my Entrepreneurship and Small Business courses at the University of San Diego every year and always has the students totally mesmerized. Students come to my office for weeks to talk about Mitch’s comments, search for opportunities to intern for one of his companies, and request that he be invited back again and again. I first met Mitch when he was working on his MBA at the University of San Diego and was in one of my classes. Every professor has one or two students in a career who take off like a shooting star and never look down. Mitch is one of those for me. It has been exciting to consult with Mitch, to listen to Mitch, or to interact with him on any level, and to watch him develop into a dynamic leader. Mitch has a remarkably engaging style when he speaks. Although his comments never seem prepared or rehearsed, he makes profound observations about business, life, and effectiveness as an executive and as a person. Everyone who hears him speak walks out of the room motivated and ready to take on their greatest challenges with enthusiasm and a smile. I have heard Mitch speak in small classes of 20 students, around conference tables with 6 to 8, and in auditoriums with hundreds, and he never fails to have the entire audience enthralled. Mitch’s stories are fascinating, his presentation impassioned and engaging, his conclusions and observations refreshing and original, and his overall presentation thrilling. No one I know who has ever heard him speak failed to be motivated by his presentation. I would highly recommend Mitch Thrower as a speaker for nearly any kind of event, given his wide range of interests and topics, from business to athletics to dating to personal motivation and success. To hear Mitch once is a thrill; to be able to hear him regularly is an honor. If I can provide any additional information, please let me know. Sincerely, Scott W. Kunkel, Ph.D. Associate Professor |