Video Transcript
Mitch Thrower: We're back at the Nautica Malibu Triathlon, and I'm here with Julie Bowen. Julie, how is your day?
Julie Bowen: It's a little nerve wracking. I've never done this before, and I am doing the run portion. And I just gave birth to twins. So, this is kind of exciting. Mitch Thrower: Wow, twins. How long ago did you give birth to twins. Julie Bowen: Just over three months. Mitch Thrower: Three months ago, and you're running in the Nautica Malibu Triathlon today? Julie Bowen: Yeah. I'm--I need to actually go pump a little. I'm breastfeeding still, and this whole situation is a little overwhelming. I'm not really seeing any good place to do that. So, we might just wing it. Mitch Thrower: Well, congratulations on making that decision. Julie Bowen: Thank you. Mitch Thrower: It's quite a recovery. Did you find the recovery was a good part of training in triathlon? Julie Bowen: I--well, I was training for the L.A. marathon just before I had the twins, and I got to 20 miles and tore the labra in my hip. So, this is all just sort of coming back again. I'm just slowly getting into my retraining. I have no idea how today's going to go. I'll be honest with you. Mitch Thrower: Awesome. Well, I'll be out there on the run course with you, so I'll wave and--. Julie Bowen: --Oh, really? Whose team are you on? Mitch Thrower: I'm actually on Team 10, and I'm waiting for 10. I know, Team 10, exactly. Julie Bowen: Wait. But, who--. Mitch Thrower: We all just met--. Julie Bowen: --[Unintelligible]--. Mitch Thrower: --We all just met today. So--. Julie Bowen: --Oh, really? Mitch Thrower: Yeah. Julie Bowen: You just got thrown in together? Mitch Thrower: We just got thrown in. Julie Bowen: And you'll be running? Mitch Thrower: And I'm going to be running. We're going to be running. Julie Bowen: You're competitive, though. Mitch Thrower: I think you're going to beat me. Julie Bowen: No, dude. Look at you. You're like tan and fit, and like I haven't seen the outdoors in a while. Mitch Thrower: But, you just manufactured two people. So, that makes up for it. Julie Bowen: I know. I did. Didn't I? Mitch Thrower: Yeah. Julie Bowen: I made two people. How many of you made two people three months ago, huh? Mitch Thrower: Awesome. Well, good luck from Competitor and Triathlete TV. Julie Bowen: Thank you. Thank you very much. |