As an entrepreneur, triathlete, and author, Mitch has had the privilege of engaging with people from all over the world. See what people are saying about Mitch's writings and his career.
I've been a fan of Mitch's 'Starting Lines' column in Triathlete Magazine for years. He has a way of capturing the essence of what it means to be in motion and to be alive that resonates with me every month. As I was taken to a Board Meeting this week, I watched our driver as she handled her cell phone, changed lanes in her SUV, and talked to me about another subject all at the same time. We joked about this life we lead. Not all of us (me included at this point in my life) are going to climb to the top of some Entrepreneurial Corporate ladder. But, most of us are juggling an incredible amount of data, relationships, tasks, and pressure. And, have forgotten how to say no or just slow down and be in the present. Mitch offers tip after tip about how to deal with all this in an interesting and readable way. If the title doesn't resonate with you, you're lucky and may not learn anything from this book. Otherwise, it's a great read.
- John H. Sexton --------------------------------------------------- I am writing with regard to Mr. Mitch Thrower. I met Mitch in April 2009 when he spoke to our employees on the topic of “Integrating Business & Sports.” Mitch’s one hour presentation at PIMCO was met with rave reviews, including the feedback listed below: "Most interesting and useful presentation." "I will apply his ten tips to my personal and work life." "The presentation was inspiring and easy to follow." Our employees were clearly motivated by Mitch’s presentation and appreciated his insight into work/life balance. Furthermore, Mitch was wonderful to work with pre-presentation as we ironed out details and coordinated logistics. All of us at PIMCO greatly appreciated Mitch’s willingness to speak at our April “Live Well” Lunch ‘N Learn event. He gave a top-notch presentation and we’re already looking forward to bringing him back to speak. - Sarah Middleton Manager, Employee Activities & Community Outreach, PIMCO --------------------------------------------------- Mitch Thrower has put together an excellent collection of time-saving and attention refocusing examples and lessons. As I read this book, I could easily see the logic and value in his lessons and examples. I have found that I can read one chapter and then focus my attention on its subject for several days, working to hone and improve my efforts in that area alone. This book can really help you to get better control of your valuable time- and due to that, it will stay on the top of my desk as a reference tool. Overall, there is much to learn in this book and I highly recommend it. - C. Riggs --------------------------------------------------- I had the pleasure of seeing Mitch lecture at the Stanford Business School. This book was a great follow-up to his inspirational discussion of athletics and entrepreneurship - now I know how he did it all. I am armed and ready for the work place with the nuggets of wisdom and time management tips that Mitch has sprinkled throughout - a great, fast read! - Angus Wilson --------------------------------------------------- The book is a lot of fun to read. The author explains interesting concepts very well with personal examples and solid lessons. Because of his clever and clear writing style, anyone should be able to understand and implement his valuable advice. I decided to give his many of his lessons a try and they actually work! I really enjoyed this book. - J. Panas "Health Guy" --------------------------------------------------- 'The Attention Deficit Workplace by Mitch Thrower is not just a gem -- it is a collection of gems. Written as a series of one or two page vignettes with a moral for each, this book is equally worthwhile read straight through in a few hours or read one or two vignettes per day over months. It can be a truly life-changing book of the caliber of Steven Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. A must read for those just starting in the business world to those in mid-career fighting to get everything into a 24-hour day. - Scott W. Kunkel, Ph.D. --------------------------------------------------- I'd love to have the time to read more business books. Heck read more books in general. Mitch's book is great because it packs a tremendous amount of useful information into an easy, enjoyable and quick read. The lessons that I apply to my daily work life are too numerous to list here but suffice to say a worthy read. - Wesley Hein --------------------------------------------------- Mitch Thrower does more in one day than most people do in a month. But what is most important is that he does it with a smile on his face, and influences so many people positively along the way. This man is the master of leading a balanced life in the midst of a high stress, fast-paced business environment. The world has changed tremendously over the past ten years with the advent of the 'wireless age.' Conventional wisdom no longer applies. We need a new chapter on how to survive in this globally connected world. Mitch Thrower has provided us with this in his book, The Attention Deficit Workplace, Mitch shares with us through some real life examples, and how he has been able to achieve all of his successes. Definitely a must read!" - Andrew J. Baldwin --------------------------------------------------- This book is written in a way that entertains and instructs without putting you to sleep. It includes funny but true situations that most people can relate to. It's definitely not your conventional, monotonous business guide...it's one that brings up issues in the workplace that are mostly overlooked. - Moulika Heng --------------------------------------------------- This book offers honest yet humorous stories that are all too familiar in my workplace. I even assigned my staff to read it, and it has helped us all a great deal, from managing the constant stress of mega-multi-tasking to dealing with the constant onslaught of emails. I highly recommend this book to you and your staff! - State Representative Roy Baldwin --------------------------------------------------- Not only have I had the privilege of reading Mitch's book, but also that of seeing him speak on multiple occasions. His bold, progressive approach to life is refreshing, and he understands how to project his motivation and focus onto the reader. This book provides insight into simplifying & improving many facets of personal and professional life. It is a very easy read, and Mitch has a sense of humor that relates his concepts to all types of people. - Mark Willoughby --------------------------------------------------- One of the things that really communicate Thrower's understanding about how attention deficient we really are is the format he chose to write his book in. Studies show that people are more likely to read an article if it is formatted into narrow columns and small paragraphs. The same can be said for books that are broken into very small chapters. It makes sense to say that we are more inclined to open a book up and read it if we can finish a section in five minute increments. We love the closure of finishing a chapter and that is what this format allows. - Thomas C. Cathey --------------------------------------------------- A book with on-point statements and parables that every business man in fast-paced business environment knows well or should have read and consider. - Kai Baumgartner --------------------------------------------------- The Attention Deficit Workplace nails it. It is a short, concise but powerful incite to common pitfalls in today's corporate work environment. It's a must read for any new young employee embarking on their career path in this environment. It will help you avoid common mistakes that lead to unproductive behavior. Mitch Thrower writes this book as if he is talking to you face to face and gives you quick solutions to practice daily. It's constantly on my desk to use as a workbook. - Mike Reilly --------------------------------------------------- The book is an excellent guide in how to manage your time. It is well written, easy read, and contains funny stories we all can relate to. - Andreas Thogersen --------------------------------------------------- It was definitely a good read. It really makes you think about the work atmosphere and how things operate. If you want to be successful in the business world I would definitely recommend this book. - Brittany Huartson --------------------------------------------------- This book is packed full of gems of wisdom, each supported by wonderful life stories. Every page is fun reading. - Cherie Gruenfeld --------------------------------------------------- Mitch is truly an amazing business and athletic superstar. I enjoyed every aspect of his book and recommend it to anyone that plans on doing well in this game they call life. I might even read this book again after reading it cover to cover in 2 days. Thanks Mitch, hope to see in a lecture format in the future. - Travis Smith --------------------------------------------------- This book is a wonderful tool for success. Mitch walks the reader through a huge variety of different work place problems or errors and helps you to understand how to solve them in order to be more efficient and successful in the workplace. The thing I loved about this book was the way it was written. Each problem/issue is its own chapter and each chapter is only about a page long. This makes it easy to read, and it keeps your attention. It also makes it easy to put down and come back to. I would recommend this book to anyone- even if they are already a successful business person. - Erin Shaw --------------------------------------------------- Mitch Thrower has put together nuggets of truth and insight to help you bring wisdom to all areas of your business & personal life. This book presents and discusses issues, gives a short story to clarify and define then offers a lesson to learn. If you are caught up in business you need to read this for clear and concise strategies from a champion. - Jeffrey B. Viers --------------------------------------------------- I found this book to be very worth-while. The author's style was concise but also entertaining. It's the kind of book that you can read in a weekend, but would be useful to refer back to. I've already lent it to my brother and my girlfriend, and they both enjoyed it. I've met Mitch a few times, and his enthusiasm for life and success are unparalleled. - Christian DeBlis, Student, University of San Diego --------------------------------------------------- This is a very interesting, well thought out book. There are many short stories that keep your interest and the advice given in each story is very useful. You can read it one story at a time and don't have to feel compelled to read it all right away. A good buy. - Dan, Amazon reviewer --------------------------------------------------- The thing I loved most about 'The Attention Deficit Workplace' is its applicability to real-life situations. If you’re a student or a business person, you will use and benefit from the many lessons and principles from this book. - Derek Lancaster --------------------------------------------------- This book is definitely a must read to help one excel in our ever changing society. The book describes ways to deal with time management, which will help one to excel, whereas others might flounder and not be as productive. - Brenden Nakata --------------------------------------------------- Mitch Thrower's 'Attention Deficit Workplace' is an enjoyable book with important life lessons that everyone should know. Thrower tells great stories in every short chapter that really relate to people on a universal level. His book is very insightful and quite entertaining to read! I've recommended it to all of my friends and family and am looking forward to Thrower's next publication. - Amazon reviewer --------------------------------------------------- Mitch Thrower offers clear, life changing suggestions to simplify life in and out of the workplace. He asks us to behave with integrity and teaches us how to separate what is important from what distracts our focus. I bought 'The Attention-Deficit Workplace' for my dear friend who is C.E.O. of a Los Angeles based manufacturing company. At his next staff meeting, he was quoting passages from the book and had implemented new email policies based on Mitch's suggestions. Everyone needs to read this book. - Carol K., an Amazon reviewer --------------------------------------------------- Mitch Thrower has presented here clear concise examples of your business environment, tells you a story to make sure you understand the context and provides his solution or lesson learned. Champions are always honing their edge, Mitch is sharp! - Jeff Viers, My Loan Coach --------------------------------------------------- Mitch Thrower's clever book allows the busy business exec. To get a quick laugh and at the same time learn tools to be more effective in the workplace. - Mark Ruyball, Student, University of San Diego --------------------------------------------------- This book is not only has great stories and tips, and it really made me laugh! You can relate to each situation in the book vicariously, and at the same time is such a valuable read. I actually read it twice! - Rita, an Amazon reviewer --------------------------------------------------- Not only did I enjoy this quick, humorous read, I have applied some of the strategies from the book in my personal 'attention deficit workplace' and seen surprising results. It transforms the daily grind against the clock into a powerfully motivating reminder that you can manage your schedule to maximize productivity and profits. This book is a small investment for a life changing return. - Amazon reviewer --------------------------------------------------- As a subscriber to Triathlete Magazine, the first article I always read is Mitch's "Starting Lines." I enjoy his perspective, writing style, and insight. It’s just great. My favorite of his articles is one I’d love to read again but cannot find. I’d guess he wrote it in 2004 or 2005 and it may have been called “You Are Here.” The picture he included was a satellite photo of the Hawaiian Islands with an arrow drawn into the ocean that said “You are Here”, meaning, of course, that the reader was in the ocean getting ready for the swim at the Ironman World Championships. I absolutely loved the article as he spoke of the journey we all take from our first triathlon to our last and the parallels with life. I remember reading it over and over again and making sure my friends did the same. Today, as I get ready for Ironman Lake Placid, I’m eager to read it again. I know it will make me smile and resurrect so many great memories. Can you direct me as to where I can find this article? - Kevin M. Ann Arbor, Michigan --------------------------------------------------- Dear Mitch, Thank you for the incredible words of inspiration that you have written in "You Can Fly." That article was so incredible and so inspiring that I have shared it with several people (triathletes and non-triathletes). Your words were a great reminder that when the "going gets tough, the tough get going;" that no matter our age, gender, or nationality, we all have it in us...it is just a matter of patience, discipline and a lot of perseverance. Thank you for being an inspiration! We need more people like you on this earth! - Yours Truly, Jael Aldunate Coconut Creek, Florida --------------------------------------------------- Dear Mitch, I read your article in this month’s issue and thought it quite apropos. I own a small functional training and athletic testing facility in Amesbury, Massachusetts. Each week, I put out three different articles for clients to take as they come and go from the gym. The articles vary on topics that range from nutrition to mental training. This week, I put your article on the front desk, because it is short, sweet, and to the point whether you are talking sport or not. Everyone can get something from those last few words. Great job! - Andrea Caldwell --------------------------------------------------- Dear Mitch, I really enjoyed your November 2003 Starting Lines column because it truly captured why we do the Ironman. Before I read this, I had a difficult time explaining to friends what made me do these races (Ironman Canada and Florida), and why I’m so passionate about it. I have not been able to do an Ironman for a couple of years due to life commitments, but this column really got me excited to go again... - Happy Training, Andrew Flynn --------------------------------------------------- Hi Mitch, I just wanted to say thanks for your great article about sticking to healthy food choices. I've been experimenting with my diet recently, and have yet to find a regimen that sticks. Your article has been just the kick in the rear that I needed to stay focused. (Well, until Easter weekend, oops!) I'm trying to incorporate more macrobiotics into my vegetarian diet, but it's been hard to give up certain things (like cheese) and replace them with unfamiliar foods that take more thought and planning to prepare (even though I know it's worth it). Your article is going on my fridge for daily inspiration. Thanks again!. - Annie --------------------------------------------------- Mitch, I just wanted to tell you what a superb piece of writing this month’s article is. You have simply nailed the tri experience for me. While I haven’t completed the journey just yet (haven’t made it to Ironman Hawaii), I am moving through the process you describe. I have sent your article to several tri buddies of mine who I know will concede that, yep, that's it. Thanks for putting words to the experience. Great stuff my man... - Randy Blanchetti, Richmond, VA --------------------------------------------------- Dear Mitch, Starting Lines could focus on many different topics, but you choose to highlight what I feel are the important things to be gained from life. I know athletes whose entire focus, and driving motivation, is to beat the people they train with. Competition is good, but man, does that attitude get old after a while! After 3 knee surgeries, I’m happy just to be out there doing it. Want a new perspective on racing? Come in last place sometime. Been there. My first half-Iron effort was an under-trained and under-fueled disaster, but I still managed to limp it across the line. The medal hanging on my wall reminds me of the accomplishment…certainly something that 10 years ago, I never thought I’d be doing. This year I got to watch Joe in his first Ironman. Nothing is more inspiring than watching that event. We never take it for granted, which brings me back to your words of wisdom in Triathlete. Thanks again for keeping our athletic lives in perspective. As with the photo of Joe and the other 2-wheeled rider, it reminds us daily to be thankful... - Gary Breuner, North Idaho --------------------------------------------------- Mitch, Your article "Guiding Light" resonated powerfully with me, because I believe strongly in the relationship aspect of triathlon racing. I am one of the slow guys you referenced (“10:59 or 12:59") but I really don't care. I do raise my arms at the beginning of the race and express my appreciation at being a part of what I call the "culture of endeavor" -- the people who really care about their bodies and spirits, as well as those of the people around them at the starting line. After reading your article, I am going to redouble my efforts to make personal connections out of my triathlon participation. You spoke directly to me. Thank you. - Carl Devore, MD, Pittsford, NY --------------------------------------------------- Dear Mitch, I enjoyed very much reading your Starting Lines in the February issue of Triathlete. One phrase was especially right on: "Success is not defined only by a dollar sign." In Silicon Valley, where I live, dollars are too often the sign of success, at least on the surface, until you realize that your me-too neighbor is getting a divorce, or selling the house because of debt, or even worse, doesn't connect with their children as they grow up. I have two daughters and a wife. Yes, dollars are important, especially when houses around sell for $1 million on average! But after starting triathlon in 2002, I realized that just like you said, there is more to success than just dollars. In 2004, I crashed badly on the Ironman Coeur D'Alene bike course, only to qualify to Ironman Hawaii later this same year with my family supporting me all the time, and of course, making the trip with me to the Big Island. Nothing, not even money, will ever beat the sense of success and achievement I've gotten this year. - Carl Devore, MD, Pittsford, NY --------------------------------------------------- Dear Mitch, I enjoyed very much reading your Starting Lines in the February issue of Triathlete. One phrase was especially right on: "Success is not defined only by a dollar sign." In Silicon Valley, where I live, dollars are too often the sign of success, at least on the surface, until you realize that your me-too neighbor is getting a divorce, or selling the house because of debt, or even worse, doesn't connect with their children as they grow up. I have two daughters and a wife. Yes, dollars are important, especially when houses around sell for $1 million on average! But after starting triathlon in 2002, I realized that just like you said, there is more to success than just dollars. In 2004, I crashed badly on the Ironman Coeur D'Alene bike course, only to qualify to Ironman Hawaii later this same year with my family supporting me all the time, and of course, making the trip with me to the Big Island. Nothing, not even money, will ever beat the sense of success and achievement I've gotten this year. - Sincerely, Christopher --------------------------------------------------- Dear Mr. Thrower, With four small kids and my wife at home with them, I can't really afford Triathlete Magazine. Last night, however, I made a quick stop for a gallon of milk and thumbed longingly through the magazine. I decided to indulge and got February's issue. Man, I'm glad I did. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your open sharing in the article you wrote at the beginning of the magazine. I don't know what to say. I could actually feel the morning sunshine and gentle breeze blowing in your room, and envisioned using the same statement--"What are you going to be today?" -- With any one of my four kids. Parents and parenting are truly a blessing. Parents are able to shape lives, for good or bad, with very simple statements. It sounds like your dad was exceptional. I lost my mother four years ago to breast cancer, then had to explain to the kids two years ago that mommy had the same thing. Praise God, she is doing perfectly, but it is in these situations that we find ourselves struggling through that truly make or break us. I have chosen, through faith, to let them make me a better man. I haven't raced triathlons since 1998 when I only had two kids, but Janelle and I are planning to team up for the Tupper Lake Tinman here in NY. After going through some really rough years, I see 2007 as a time of turnaround and change, and I plan to make racing a part of that again. Thank you, brother. Be today what God made you to be, and what your father knew you could be. - Sincerely, Andy Cole, New York --------------------------------------------------- Hi Mitch, I read your article called "Finding Your Purpose" in the magazine and I wanted to tell you how awesome it was. Although I have not made it to Kona, (I’m planning on competing till I'm 80 or so to age-group qualify) I did make it through Ironman Arizona in '06 and Coeur d'Alene in '07. Man, you really captured the essence of the day. Just wanted to say thanks for the contribution! - Dalton McGaha --------------------------------------------------- |
“I met Mitch at one of the San Diego CEO events and also read his book. He is a very impressive entrepreneur and an inspiring leader.”
- Dennis Clerke, Managing Director, DaggerBoard Advisors, LLC --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is the entrepreneur's entrepreneur. He is an author, with something to say. His competencies move far beyond most. Look to him for the direction of the future.” - Stephen Blakesley, Managing Partner, GMS Talent L P --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch has achieved that rare place in life that many seek - self-actualization. His endeavors have helped many and he conducts his life with the highest integrity. It is a pleasure to endorse Mitch.” - Carlos Adame, Chief Selection Officer, Vistage International --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch has a very unique way of breaking down the professional world into simple terms for college students to understand. He spoke to our Professional Organization and had the audience fully engaged during his presentation on the topics 'The Attention Deficit Workplace'. I recommend Mitch to speak to any organization or audience that values honesty, innovation, and effective ways to communicate in business!” - Robin Gerlach, President of Alpha Kappa Psi/Professional Organization --------------------------------------------------- “Competitive spirit, fierce determination, business acumen, broad reaching experience and great values. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who combines all of these, but that is Mitch. If you get to work with him, consider yourself lucky; if you haven't yet, try to.” - Mark Goulston, Author, Wiley Publishing, Inc. --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch Thrower is a vibrant, motivational, and charismatic speaker, author, entrepreneur, and investor. Having worked with Mitch on many professional and philanthropic projects, I am continually delighted by his collaborative energy and steady confidence. As a serial entrepreneur and a fixture in the Southern California triathlon world, Mitch remains an inspirational leader and effective communicator.” - David W Perleberg, Founder, Rep Empire,Incorporated --------------------------------------------------- “Athlete, author, inspirational speaker and successful entrepreneur, I'm happy to call Mitch Thrower a friend. He's changing the world, making it a healthier place.” - Dan Boyle, President, Boyle Software, Inc. --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is a very hard worker and is very dedicated.” - Jesi Betancourt, Paralegal, University of San Diego --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch has inspired me from the first time we met on all my activities and those we did together and I strongly believe and agree in how he is doing and creating business relationships. Hope we will build many future projects together. He is the man!” - Georg Hochegger, CEO, & Founder, Triangle events --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is a driven and talented businessman with a keen ability to identify emerging trends and technologies. Unwavering strategic sense combined with outstanding personal skills make Mitch an incredibly effective mentor and leader.” - Eric Damassa, Marketing Associate, Thrower Ventures, Inc. --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is extremely creative, bright, and conscientious, while being highly personable and focused on productivity.” - Vadim Fiddle, President, CEO, Branded Products, Inc. --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is an extremely motivational leader. He inspires in his colleagues the confidence to achieve greatness. He constantly has new ideas and creative approaches. Mitch is dedicated, hardworking and has exceptionally high energy levels. Working with him is not only stimulating and challenging, it is also tremendous fun.” - Jason Egnal, Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer, SA Active --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch has been an incredible mentor to me. As a manger his biggest quality is his sincere passion for sharing his knowledge and experiences with his employees. As an entrepreneur, he strives most in extremely challenging situations and he has an incredible instinct and charisma. The most important lesson I have learned from him is never to shy away from difficult situations, because if you love what you do you will always succeed.” - Giorgia Favaretto, Director of International Client Services, ActiveEurope/ The Active Network --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch has amazing energy and enthusiasm for his work. He is an innovator and passionate about working with people towards a unified cause. ” - Marcus Datwyler, graduate assistant, University of San Diego --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch's easy approachability coupled with his enthusiasm and drive marks him out. I recommend him as a person and a business leader - and his book is certainly worth reviewing.” - Tim Chambers, Director of Sales, Ticketmaster UK --------------------------------------------------- “With incredible entrepreneurial skills, business savvy and instincts for trends and technology, Mitch Thrower is a true 'new economy renaissance man'." - Matt Codling, Director, Business Development, Active Marketing Group (The Active Network) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Mitch is a successful and proven entrepreneur. Innovative, intelligent, and a natural leader, it's easy to respect such a motivated individual. ” - Skyler Anderson, Intern Director, Active Europe (the Active Network) --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is one of the most effective connectors that I've met or worked with in my life. With his relentless pursuit of innovation, combined with an eagerness to help entrepreneurs, Mitch has positioned himself as one of the most influential entrepreneurs (and mentors).” - Kintan Brahmbhatt --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch Thrower was the prime mover in the successful launch of The Active Network, and his entrepreneurial skill is unmatched. He’s a true leader, and he combines the capacity to create with the capacity to execute.” - George Plsek, Owner, Global Tech Group --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch has always been forward-thinking and open-minded, always with growth on his mind and occupied on many fronts, but he's also able to give you a few minutes' time when needed. He's outgoing and engaging and produces high-quality, value-added product.” - Hammy Handwerker, Owner, Principal, SLH Communications, Inc. --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch was one of the first 'outsiders' to understand just how far Veoh would go. He showed real insight and vision when he helped make sports content on Veoh happen.” - Ted Dunning, Chief Scientist, Veoh Networks --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is a very talented entrepreneur who has the gift to inspire those around him to rally behind his cause. He is a true leader and a mentor to those that work with him. He has accomplished a tremendous amount for his age and I'm fairly certain this is just scratching the surface of what Mitch will accomplish in his life time. He has taught me many invaluable lessons during the time we've spent together. I'm proud to call him my friend. ” - Jon Carder, C.E.O., MojoPages.com --------------------------------------------------- “Nobody has more energy than Mitch!” - Roger Wilko, Owner, ADHD Productions --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is an inspirational leader of multiple talents. His capacity to keep so many balls in the air, to help and support so many people and to be an innovator is pretty amazing. He is one of those people whose mind never stops working and in fact, I'm not sure he ever stops working even when he's playing.” - Bruce Carlisle, CEO, Digital Axle --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch knows what true leadership is and how to explain it. While taking Entrepreneurial Leadership at the University of San Diego, Mitch lectured the group about his leadership experiences and how these experiences are applicable to anyone’s everyday life. He was able to breakdown and identify the key elements of what leadership is and how we can all be leaders in life. The experience truly changed my perspective. I strongly recommend Mitch.” - Irvin Carlin, Internship Program Assistant at University of San Diego --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is definitely one of a kind! He blew the student audience away at SDSU during our Alpha Kappa Psi (co-ed Business Fraternity) Professional event. His presentation was not only enlightening, but motivating. He is the best example of an entrepreneur and an outstanding role model for young business entrepreneurs/ventures!” - Mary Frakes --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch has great knowledge and insight into the athletics industry. His leadership and networking skills really complement his entrepreneurial spirit, which has led to his success.” - Bram Hutchinson, Analyst, Pacific Corporate Group --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is in a different universe when it comes to creating - and then implementing - new ideas. Following his career, he has not just been a trend-setter, but a trend-master!” - Brad Cooper, MSPT, ATC, Chief Executive Officer, US Corporate Wellness, Inc. --------------------------------------------------- “I've known Mitch since our days at business school. His vision, charisma, and get-in-done mentality are incredible. His success with Active.com and team building skills are amazing, yet well-deserved. Mitch is an approachable person who lives by a strong moral and ethical code. ” - Adam Nogaki Bridge, Sales Engineer / Product Manager, Schneider Electric, Systron Donner Inertial --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is one of the most creative and astute business people that I have had the privilege to work with.” - Court Coursey, Chief Executive Office, TRUOC, LLC --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is the consummate professional. His ability to walk the fine line between endemic and non-endemic professionals is legendary.” - Jim Garfield, Director, Business Development, The Active Network --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch Thrower is a visionary entrepreneur who created a corporate atmosphere that was challenging, fun and promoted well-being in all senses. I am genuinely thankful for the opportunity and experience he has provided to me during my tenure at the Active Network.” - Mark Gordon, Web Producer, The Active Network --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is a high energy person who is always ready to add positive energy to any equation. Great leadership and dedication.” - Greg Garbacz, COO, Klinedinst PC --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is a great creative thinker. His entrepreneurial spirit brings many exciting ideas/concepts to life.” - Karl Haussmann, Executive Director, Lance Armstrong Foundation --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch has a special ability to see a bigger picture than most people. He commits himself 100% to every endeavor, and his passion helps raise the level of performance of everyone around him. Mitch's desire and ability to continually expand personal limits of accomplishment is what I admire most about him. "No" does not exist in his vocabulary.” - Greg Smith, CFP® --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch Thrower is an extraordinary human being. He has the ability to leverage technology and emotional intelligence. His talents are anticipating market needs, valuing and acknowledging the contributions of others and an uncommon work ethic. I feel privileged to have him in my network. Sincerely, Jennifer Sertl Executive Coach.” - Jenn Sertl --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is a brilliant, innovative, energetic multitasker and team leader. He leads by example. The combination of inspiration and perspiration he brings to every task continually sets the bar for both his staff/team and for his competitors. His achievements as an entrepreneur, athlete and a student, are a testament of the 'American Dream'.” - Victor Bagwell MBA MAS MSIT, Consultant / Systems Analyst, Sole Proprietorship --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch was a tremendous help to WPIX, always accommodating and accessible, an integral part of the success of our project.” - Jessica Bellucci, CW11 (WPIX) and Superstation WGN Manager of Public Relations, Tribune Broadcasting --------------------------------------------------- “There are far more people who try to tell you to do something that they have never done than those who tell you how to do what they have done well. Mitch is one of that rare latter group.” - Jim Canfield --------------------------------------------------- “I appreciate Mitch for his ingratiating words of positive encouragement and support when I came on board at the Active Marketing Group. Mitch's zest for life and positive karma permeates the culture here at The Active Network, to which I am also grateful.” - Sean Conley, Director, Business Development, Active Marketing Group --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is the single biggest reason for the success of Active.com. He is a true visionary who can execute. His skill sets are an all too rare combination and ones that would be highly valued by any organization.” - Steve Bradbury, VP, Content Strategy & Business Affairs, GoTV Networks --------------------------------------------------- “Interactive marketing prowess is one of the many visionary talents Mitch embodies. Not only does he know how to achieve any business objective, he is also a fantastic coach and mentor to connect all the dots.” - Juergen Dold, CEO, Transkey --------------------------------------------------- “Although it was many years ago that I worked with Mitch, I was struck by his passion for ACTIVE and what they were providing the sports community both online and offline. He smart, hardworking and laser focused on his business and business partnerships. I hope we cross paths professionally again.” - Lauren Damron, National Account Director, AOL --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is an exceptional leader. He inspires employees to give more than they think they are capable of.” - Jon Carlston, Account Manager, International and West Coast US, Active.com --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch delivers across the board. His insights, experience, and presentations are on the money.” - Doug Bradley --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is an innovator who conceived one of the Net's most profitable and enduring companies. He is always pushing for new and exciting ventures and knows how to assemble quality teams and take visionary ideas to execution.” - Adam Jacobs, VP Business Development, EchoLink Interactive --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch has great ability to see real business opportunities before others do. He also is very good at inspiring talented people to join the teams that make the visions a reality. The net result - a remarkable track record of successful entrepreneurial ventures.” - Paul Butcher, Co-Founder and President, Trifitness LLC --------------------------------------------------- “Drawing a bigger picture (in Triathlon) is always very productive with Mitch who is a true visionary. It's amazing to work with him.” - Kai Baumgartner, Owner, 3athlon.biz Group --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch offered a seminar to my undergraduate class at University of San Diego. He was an exciting and energetic speaker and months later the students are still "abuzz" about Mitch. He is a dynamo! Dr. Helen Eckmann University of San Diego Professor Supply Chain Management Institute.” - Helen Eckmann, Professor, University of San Diego --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch Thrower is a dynamic, global leader. His foundation, Project Active, is currently coordinating the shipment of shoes and soccer balls to war zone destinations around the world to ease tensions as he trains for his next Ironman triathlon. I've been impressed with his expansion of Triathlete Magazine, as its Chairman. He combines his love for entrepreneurship with a passion for both endurance sports and philanthropic projects. ” - Alexis Siler --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is a multi-talented, high energy executive with tremendous insight and foresight in business. He is quick to recognize an opportunity or need in business and capitalize on it. Great individual to have in your circle of influence and as an adviser.” - Lynn Blankenship, Vice President, Schick Technologies --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is driven, organized, helpful and also one of the most charismatic leaders in his field. I highly value his insights, opinions and ideas. ” - Paul Cusick, Director Sales and Marketing, Intense Cycles --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is a serial entrepreneur and a master networker! He is great at seeing opportunities and making them happen!” - Ari Chaney, Owner, Blue Vase Holdings --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is one of the most creative individuals I have ever met. Mitch is one of the best at taking a good ideas and turning it into reality.” - Matt Dell, Vice President - Business Development, Onward Technologies --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is a personable individual with highly developed interpersonal skills” - Franklin Ramsoomair --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is one of a rare breed of professionals: A visionary who can identify trends, sees the marketplace of the future, and is also a very successful Entrepreneur. The Active Network, Inc. and The Active Europe Network, Ltd. would not be where they are today without guidance and direction from Mitch.” - Richard Neher --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is an incredible individual who is focused on achieving goals most don't dare to dream. He is a visionary and successfully accomplishes whatever challenge he sets his sights on.” - Matthew Goers --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is a true visionary with the ability to lead, teach, and inspire all those who work with him. He is a dedicated athlete who has the will to constantly push himself beyond his limits. Most importantly, he gives back to the community and shares his blessings by teaching others.” - Brent Gleeson --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch was one of the most innovative MBAs at USD and now guest lecturer at his Alma Mater.” - Dan Rivetti --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch's work at Triathlete Magazine has shown that triathletes have a resource that is both informative and entertaining for the newbie triathlete all the way to the elite-grade levels. His work was no doubt instrumental in the rapid growth of triathletes at all age group levels. This sport is here to stay and Mitch's influence can claim significant credit.” - Christopher Arend --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is "THE MAN TO KNOW" He is involved in any and everything” - Zach Bauer --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is a highly driven, enthusiastic person. His passions in life keep him highly motivated and his drive and determination are what lead to his extraordinary success. Mitch has served as a mentor to myself and many others, and has helped shape many lives with his positive guidance.” - Ben Wilson --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch makes his client's #1 goal HIS #1 goal.” - Jason Macaluso --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch's energy and enthusiasm is infectious. He is an inspiration and a role model for budding entrepreneurs.” - Matthew Boone --------------------------------------------------- “Mitch is extremely personable and has excellent communication skills. His energy and passion in his endeavors is unbeatable and he shares that enthusiasm with his clients. I would gladly work with Mitch again in the near future.” - Ashley Keating --------------------------------------------------- “I met Mitch during TED2009. I was immediately captivated by his background as an entrepreneur, sportsman, and philanthropist. He is truly a modern Renaissance man. Yet one of the most generous and down to earth people I have met. You will feel more motivated and energized after you meet Mitch.” - C.K. Lin --------------------------------------------------- “I have known Mitch for 20 years and cannot speak enough to his drive, determination and depth of character. Phenomenal business acumen and insight, dedicated team player, industry leader. I can highly recommend Mitch.” - Kelly Hochman |